Welcome to your Old Collegians, Business Directory
The St Bede’s College Community Business Directory is a way of connecting families of current and past St Bede’s Boys. Maintained by the Old Collegians Association, the directory is currently open to all Old Collegians. Businesses can be advertised on the page (a token fee will be waived until September 2020) and are searchable through the web page and associated Apps . All proceeds raised through advertising in the Business Directory goes to the Finian Foundation which assists current St Bede’s College families who may be experiencing financial hardship. Details for registering your business can be obtained at the following link REGISTER HERE or email oldcolls@stbedes.catholic.edu.au.
Business Directory Disclaimer: All content provided in the St Bede’s Community Online Business Directory is for information purposes only. St Bede’s College and/or St Bede’s College Old Collegians Association takes no responsibility for and neither recommends nor endorses the goods and services on offer. In no event is St Bede’s College and/or St Bede’s College Old Collegians Association liable for any losses, injuries, incomplete work or damages from the use of the information provided in this directory. St Bede’s College and/or St Bede’s College Old Collegians Association does not act as an agent to the businesses listed as the directory is purely a show of support for our families, associates and creditors. Please direct all enquires to your nominated business.
PSA Projects
Established in 1985, PSA are experts in Project Management specialising in Project Planning and Monitoring.. We know that a successful project requires a Professional Project Plan and a respected and proven method to keep agile and on track. This is fundamental to Project Success and if not planned effectively risks almost certain failure.
Paul Steinfort
Class of 1966
620 St Kilda Rd MELBOURNE VIC 3004
03 9529 7500
RBK Advisory
We are a team of experienced business advisors, lawyers and accountants who aren’t restricted by ‘inside the box thinking’. As one of only two accounting firms to be BCorp certified in Australia, we’ll work closely with you and have your back, no matter your industry or goals.
Johnathan Kane
Class of 2001
03 9010 6000
Abacus Visual
Servicing you for all your designing, printing and installing needs.
Rob Tennant
Class of 2000
10 Winterton Rd, Clayton VIC 3168 AUSTRALIA
(03) 9544 2344
City of Kingston
The City of Kingston is a local government area in Victoria, Australia in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, its northern boundary lying approximately 15 km from the Melbourne city centre along the north-eastern shorelines of Port Phillip. They are a incredible supporter of the Finian Foundation and the Old Collegians Association.
City of Kingston
1230 Nepean Hwy Cheltenham
1300 653 356
Abacus Visual
Servicing you for all your designing, printing and installing needs.
Rob Tennant
Class of 2000
10 Winterton Rd, Clayton VIC 3168 AUSTRALIA
(03) 9544 2344