At our College, we believe that inclusion and diversity has the potential to enrich the educational opportunities available to all.
St Bede’s College recognises that diversity encompasses all learners across cultural, academic, social emotional and physical attributes and that these are not mutually exclusive. Learning Diversity refers to the infinite variety of life experiences and attributes that a student brings to their learning at school.
We seek to meet the needs of all learners, so that every student can experience a sense of achievement and success. Our dedicated Learning Diversity Department supports students who experience learning challenges whether related to cognitive, sensory, physical or social/emotional difficulties. Students are provided with classroom adjustments and/or modifications through collaboration with teachers and parents.
All staff at our College continue the work of St John Baptist de la Salle by supporting all students of all abilities to become confident and independent learners, able to reach their full potential and be proud of their achievements. All students – no matter their neurodiversity, physical, intellectual, social or learning difficulties – have the right to be included in all College learning and social programs.
It is the vision of St Bede’s College that inclusivity is wholly embraced by our community, and that diversity and inclusion enriches the educational and social opportunities available to all.