College Mission Statement
St Bede’s College is a Catholic school, guided by the Lasallian values of faith, service and community. Relationships are central to our learning experience and help us to connect with others. We live an inclusive culture where one’s personal best is encouraged, embraced and celebrated. We are globally aware and contribute positively to the world around us. It’s our mission to teach students from diverse backgrounds and beliefs to learn, live and lead ‘by right paths’ to become confident, socially just and resilient individuals.
Vision Statement
St Bede’s College aspires to educate students in living “by right paths” to become confident, values-driven adults. Through a commitment to a life of learning and justice we aim to develop resilient leaders who approach the future with zeal.
College Motto
Per Vias Rectas – By Right Paths

Our Values
- We affirm the intrinsic worth of all students in our care.
- We seek to foster a love of learning.
- We see education as a means of broadening students’ minds and enriching the human experience.
- We seek to send into the world individuals with strong values, resilient character and deep reserves of confidence.

Our Guiding Principles
- God is our focus. God is spoken about and we give time and energy to worship and social action.
- Brothers/sisters to each other. We always take care of each other. The older students will guide and care for the younger students. The Lasallian spirit of brotherhood/sisterhood will underpin all our actions.
- Always be honest – no lying or cheating. The value of honesty is at the heart of relationships at St Bede’s College.
- Respect for self, others and property. These are gifts and are sacred.
- Achievement is valued. In the cultural, academic and sporting fields we strive to give our best effort.

Lasallian Principles
A Lasallian education strives to enrich each student’s cultural, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development. Today, the Lasallian Community is alive across more than 1,000 educational institutions around the world. The following principles define what it is to be a Lasallian school.
- Quality education
- Inclusive community
- Respect for all persons
- Concern for social justice and the poor
- Faith in the presence of God

Staff Commitment 2024
We, the staff of St Bede’s College commit ourselves to our school community.
We commit to serve the students and do all we can to fulfil the mission of the College, taking personal responsibility to ensure that St Bede’s College is a safe and engaging place to learn.
We commit to our own personal and professional learning and support the learning of others with an open heart and mind, prepared to be excited and amazed by new possibilities so that all may grow and be enriched.
We commit to our relationships amongst the St Bede’s College staff and students; to listen attentively and speak kindly, to offer comfort and support in times of need, and to encourage and affirm others’ endeavours.
We commit to our College Community and promise to be inclusive of all, to accept the differences and the challenges presented to us, and to understand the diverse and complex needs of our Community.
We commit ourselves to our God who walks each step of the way with us, loving us and believing in us. We promise to uphold the gospel messages of compassion, justice and love, and to be a light to others and salt for the world.
We make this commitment and ask our Creator Father, Jesus His loving Son, and the life-changing Holy Spirit to be with us as we journey into 2024.