Paths of Passion and Purpose
We’re proud to deliver a holistic, diverse future-forward curriculum focussed on developing the whole individual at each aspect – intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual. Our College prioritises the development of higher order thinking, where enquiry is encouraged and risk accepted in a safe and supportive learning environment for all.
We understand every student is unique, with their own interests, skills and abilities.
That’s why our inclusive program is designed to provide opportunities, challenges, growth and success for every student.
Whether their strengths lie in STEM, English and Debating, Digital Technologies and Materials Technologies Sport and Human Development, Creative and Performing Arts, or History and Geography, we provide opportunities for all students to excel.
As students progress through their Years 7 to 9, they have exposure to many different subjects to explore and uncover their strengths.
This allows them to pursue the path best suited to them in their Senior Years of schooling, with either VCE or VCE-Vocational Major.
No matter their chosen paths, our staff are there to support their growth and development as models of lifelong learning, informed by current professional best practice.
Art – Fisher O’B, Year 10
“For me, Art is important because it gives me a way to block out all of my worries and distractions and allows me to express myself in unique and creative ways. I have really enjoyed Art this year and experimenting with new materials techniques, such as the impasto technique, which involves layering paint very heavily to create a 3D image with lots of texture.One of the highlights of the year was working on my self portrait, which I completed over several weeks and used materials like acrylic paint. Finishing my piece and seeing it in the College Art and Technology Show is one of my proudest achievements, and I’m very happy with the way it turned out.”

Digital Technologies – Joel C, Year 9
“I enjoyed the Website Development unit. The topic entailed learning about what makes a website attractive to a certain audience, what makes a website easy to navigate and what makes a good website for a certain product. After this, we even made our own website, ensuring that it was fit for purpose and attractive for the audience.”

Science – Dylan C, Year 9
“Science is an incredibly interesting subject due to the practical work required to complete it. The theory is not too difficult to access, and the pracs are both a fun break from writing or answering questions, as well as helping understand a topic.
We’ve done several pracs including a reaction time prac, which was a good insight on how the human body can react to circumstances; chemical pracs, using reactions to fill a balloon with gas and see how big it can get, and electricity; creating circuits with wires and light bulbs, which was much more fun than constructing them on paper and taught us about conductivity and parallel/series circuits.”

Italian – Will F, Year 12
“Studying Italian over the past six years at St Bede’s, while occasionally difficult, has been an incredible journey. This is one of the few subjects where your progress can be seen both on and off the test paper, especially as you learn to speak the language. While the excursion to Lygon Street and the Italian Museum last year was a particular standout, the times spent in the classroom immersing ourselves in Italian music and culture were where the most fun was had.
Having done Italian for so long, it is amazing that it’s managed to consistently remain my favourite subject. I loved my time as an Italian student, and hope the skills I acquired will help me as I’m planning to travel there next year.
Grazie per un’esperienza indimenticabile!
(Thanks for an unforgettable experience!)”